Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wed 3-31

Good morning good morning. Not so much. Its about 630 am and I wish I was still sleeping!! I don't know what the problem is. I have always had issues sleeping but this is getting a little ridiculous!!! I go to bed late usually between midnight and 2am. I have tried just cant fall asleep earlier. Then I wake up in the night usually after 2 or 3 hours of sleep and then have a horrible time going back to sleep. So I lay there toss and turn and eventually if I cannot go back to sleep I will get up and try to do something productive. Usually exercise because it doesn't take a whole lot of brain activity. I would like to do homework except i am usually groggy so that doesn't work out very well. The really bad part is that after a couple of hours im super tired and want to go back to sleep but usually then its time for me to do something like work or school. I then am tired all day and drag butt. You would think that the next night I would sleep a lot better but no lifes cruel joke on me. Lucky me now I can whine about it in my blog. LOL

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