Monday, March 29, 2010

My life

One of my assignments for school is to experience a new technology and then write about it. I chose blogging. I have never done it until I started this class. My first post is gonna be about boring old me. Cause thats what I know best.

My name is Danielle, and I currently am laid off from my job. I decided to go back to school, which explains the blogging. Im 29 and trying to make a name for myself. I am a huge animal lover and have 3 cats that I rescued and a dog. I have had many jobs in my life and the best one was being a vet tech. We did a lot of resueing and volunteering at the shelters. We would go to farms and do mass spaying and neuterings. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot of money in that so I wasn't able to continue-had to support myself. I tried going to other clinics to work but many of them are about money not the animals and i became disenchanted.

I am in the advance program at Kirkwood, and am working on my associates in business. I will be called back to work shortly so it will take me a little longer to complete my associates so I can transfer to work on my bachelors. I love the program I am in, I have had great teachers and experiences so far and hopefully will be able to remain in the program once I am back at work full time. I currently am employed just part time at the college in the financial aid office. I am doing that because one of the many jobs I had was being tech support for FAFSA, so I had background.

Todays a beautiful day so I am going to enjoy it. More tomorrow.....

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