Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wed 3-31

Good morning good morning. Not so much. Its about 630 am and I wish I was still sleeping!! I don't know what the problem is. I have always had issues sleeping but this is getting a little ridiculous!!! I go to bed late usually between midnight and 2am. I have tried just cant fall asleep earlier. Then I wake up in the night usually after 2 or 3 hours of sleep and then have a horrible time going back to sleep. So I lay there toss and turn and eventually if I cannot go back to sleep I will get up and try to do something productive. Usually exercise because it doesn't take a whole lot of brain activity. I would like to do homework except i am usually groggy so that doesn't work out very well. The really bad part is that after a couple of hours im super tired and want to go back to sleep but usually then its time for me to do something like work or school. I then am tired all day and drag butt. You would think that the next night I would sleep a lot better but no lifes cruel joke on me. Lucky me now I can whine about it in my blog. LOL

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuesday part 2-march 30

Its now 4:30 in the afternoon and my day is far from done :( I have had math which is my worst subject! Found out I got a C on my test which really upsets me. I want atleast a B in that class so it doesn't mess up my grade point average. Had some random homework to finish up for a couple of other classes. Now off to my night class.
On the plus side of the day, it is gorgeous outside and my girl Lauren did a really good job on my hair, that always makes me feel better.
I guess life's pretty good.

Tuesday march 30

Its early tuesday morning and I just got done walking/running on my treadmill. I have a big day ahead of me. Gotta run some errands then I am getting my hair done. After that its off to math class, hopefully I got a good grade on my test I took on Thursday. Then I get a couple of hours which I use to do whatever homework I can fit in, usually math :( Then off to comp class tonight which lasts until 8. Today is one of my really long days and boy am I tired at the end. Unfornunately I usually have to do homework when I get home so I don't get behind.
I really hope today is as beautiful as yesterday was, that usually helps and motivates me. Tonights class is usually fun too since a good friend is in it.
Yesterday was very productive. I usually like to take the dog for a walk but no time today, poor rinny. I got my conch pierced yesterday, which is something i have wanted to do for awhile. Thats the inside of your ear, its sore today but thats to be expected and it's cute.
Gotta go more to come......

Monday, March 29, 2010

My life

One of my assignments for school is to experience a new technology and then write about it. I chose blogging. I have never done it until I started this class. My first post is gonna be about boring old me. Cause thats what I know best.

My name is Danielle, and I currently am laid off from my job. I decided to go back to school, which explains the blogging. Im 29 and trying to make a name for myself. I am a huge animal lover and have 3 cats that I rescued and a dog. I have had many jobs in my life and the best one was being a vet tech. We did a lot of resueing and volunteering at the shelters. We would go to farms and do mass spaying and neuterings. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot of money in that so I wasn't able to continue-had to support myself. I tried going to other clinics to work but many of them are about money not the animals and i became disenchanted.

I am in the advance program at Kirkwood, and am working on my associates in business. I will be called back to work shortly so it will take me a little longer to complete my associates so I can transfer to work on my bachelors. I love the program I am in, I have had great teachers and experiences so far and hopefully will be able to remain in the program once I am back at work full time. I currently am employed just part time at the college in the financial aid office. I am doing that because one of the many jobs I had was being tech support for FAFSA, so I had background.

Todays a beautiful day so I am going to enjoy it. More tomorrow.....