Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Been awhile

Haven't posted to my personal blog in awhile. Time flies when I have a million and one homework assignments. I know I shouldn't whine and complain as much as I do about school. Because I do enjoy it to a certain degree, it just gets overwhelming sometimes. I am falling behind in math because I am seriously frustrated!!!! In class i can do it and get it but when i get it home or have to take a test I turn retarded and I'm tired of it!!! I still have one class that I haven't even started yet, that reminds me gotta get my book-another hundred bucks gone!! Its hard balancing my personal life and my school work. I have so much to do and people wanna hang out. So I guess I just keep truckin!!! Summer is coming and I think I will take a little break from school, clear my head before I jump back in it. That sounds like an excellent plan to me!!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lovely night what a lovely night, it has stopped raining. I love the cool night and the smell of rain. Enjoying a beverage and some music. Crab legs cant go wrong there. Gotta love the start to the weekend seems fresh. Too bad it goes so fast. Started my new technology today. I chose to join twitter. Not really gettin the point I think you just randomly post your thoughts. Kinda like a short blog. Seems easy enough. No one I know is on twitter so now I have to recruit to make this project run. Lookin through my music list and can't decide what to listen to. I am downloading some slipknot. That seems to fit my mood. I love nights like this. Well peace out homeys!!!